Debt Solution, debt counselling, debt review

Debt Counselling

Helps consumers who are struggling to pay monthly debt instalments. Payments and interest are rearranged and therefore money is freed up.

Debt Review

Debt Review will protect your assets and allow you to afford your monthly debt payments and interest. Have more money for other expenses.

Debt Consolidation

Your monthly debt payments are combined into one easy payment. You do not have to take out anymore loans, so you will be debt free sooner!

Debt Counsellor

SDC has a strong team of financial experts, whom, along with our debt counsellors, will help you through the debt review process.

Nationwide Service

As national debt counsellors, we offer NCR accredited debt counselling services to all South Africans, no matter where you are located.

Debt Solutions at Sandton Debt Counselling 

Our debt solutions will assist you to reduce your monthly instalments and interest rates while giving you legal protection.  At Sandton Debt Counselling we will cater to your specific needs and consolidate your instalments into one easy payment.We have helped many families get back on their feet, and we want to help you!  Our debt counsellors are highly qualified and will go out of their way to make sure you receive the best solution to your financial problems.The process to apply is easy and convenient and you will be on your way to a debt free life in no time.  Most of our clients are debt free within 3 to 5 years, although it might be even quicker, depending on your circumstances.A plus point is that you can pay more than your normal restructured instalment when you get an increase or new job.  This way, because of the lowered interest rates, you will pay more towards capital and save on interest.Give us a call for an obligation free debt assessment.  You may also complete the call me back form and receive a free call within 2 business hours.Back Home
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