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DCASA, debt counsellors association

Debt Counsellor Nadia de Weerdt -  DCASA WC representative

Sandton Debt Counselling is very proud of co-owner and debt counsellor of the company, Nadia de Weerdt, for representing the Debt Counsellors Association of South Africa (DCASA) in the Western Cape.Nadia’s passion towards the debt review industry as a whole, her readiness to always fight for consumer rights and “I don’t just take no for an answer” attitude will surely bring a new and positive change to the industry. Her new responsibilities will allow her to have more input in the entire debt review process and give her the power to help fight for necessary changes in the industry.Nadia is not at all a newbie when it comes to the spotlight, she has appeared on both SABC and MNET, has been mentioned in the Debt Free Digi magazine, featured on Female Entrepreneur SA magazine and an article on She has also been  a nominee in the Top Ten medium debt counselling companies, at the SA Debt Review Awards, for the last 3 years.With a debt counsellor like Nadia onboard, things are surely going to change at the association.Congratulations Nadia!

What is the Debt Counsellors Association of South Africa and why are they important?

DCASA is, as the name indicates, an association of debt counsellors in South Africa. Members of DCASA are represented at all industry platforms and has played an instrumental role since 2007 in improving the debt counselling process for both debt counsellors and consumers. It is the biggest association in the industry and therefor has a lot of clout where industry matters are involved.

DCASA makes sure that all their members act in a highly professional and ethical way to help over-indebted consumers, this is to protect the integrity of the association and also the debt counselling industry as a whole. You can therefore be sure that when you deal with a DCASA registered debt counsellor, the service levels will be better than a non-registered company.

This does not mean that all companies registered with the association  are “perfect” as there are a few “bad apples” in any industry. But having an association like this, protects the industry and consumers by having representatives, like Sandton Debt Counselling, making sure that any suspected irregularities are reported and addressed. This way, one step at a time, this body plays its role to restore the good name of the debt review industry.

The association also provides assistance by sharing knowledge with new and existing debt counsellors. There are quarterly meetings hosted by the representatives where industry issues are discussed. The representative will then give feedback and if need be, DCASA will escalate the matters to the relevant credit providers and NCR.

In short, having a debt counsellor that is registered as a member of the Debt Counsellors Association, gives you that little bit of extra assurance that you are in good hands. Our company aims to make a difference in the financial industry, and we are therefore really honoured to be representing DCASA at an executive level.

How do I contact DCASA?

You may contact DCASA on 0877023216, send them an email to or simply go to their website at see if a debt counsellor is a registered member, follow this link.
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